If we have a single mesh object and want to break it into different parts, we can. Here’s how to separate objects in Blender. If interested, I also have a post on how to join objects in Blender.

How to Separate Objects in Blender 3D - Micro Tip

Using the Separate Shortcut

To separate a single object into multiple objects in Blender, go into Edit Mode and press the keyboard shortcut “P.” A menu will appear giving three methods to separate the object: Selection, By Material and By Loose Parts.

This will not work in Object Mode.

The newly created object will have the same name as the original object but with a suffix (object.001 for example).

Any modifiers on the original object will be copied to each of the newly separated objects.

Separate by Selection

The first option will separate the selected parts of the mesh and make them a new object. The selected elements of the mesh will be removed from the original object and a new object will be created for the selected parts of the mesh.

The selected portion of 3D sphere is separated into a different object in the Blender 3D viewport.

Separate by Material

When we use the shortcut “P” and choose “By Material” the object will be broken into separate objects based on where materials are applied. In the following example, an object with three materials (red, white and blue) was separated into three objects.

A 3D sphere is separated into three different objects by materials. The red, white and blue sections are now three objects in the Blender 3D viewport.

All non-adjacent elements with the same material will be combined into one object. So if we had an object with five materials, five objects would be created after the separation. These objects may contain loose parts if there were non-adjacent sections of the mesh that had the same material.

Industrial 3D Models in the Blender viewport.
Industrial greeble assets in Blender 3D viewport.

Separate by Loose Parts

When we use the “By Loose Parts” method to separate an object in Blender, each unconnected segment of the object’s mesh will become its own object.

I’ll use the Suzanne monkey as a demonstration. The eyes of the Suzanne are not connected to the rest of the mesh (did you know that?). So, the eyes will each become separate objects from the rest of the head.

A Suzanne Monkey is separated into three objects by loose parts in the Blender 3D viewport.

What is selected does not affect the separation of loose parts.


There are three basic methods for how to separate parts of one object into different objects. All of them can be accessed using the keyboard shortcut “P” in edit mode. Here’s Blender’s official documentation on separating a mesh.

I hope this quick tip was helpful, check me out on YouTube for video tutorials and please have a look around my site for more quick tips on 3D modeling. Stay creative!

Brandon Stocking


Brandon Stocking

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